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Crisis intervention and suicide prevention - CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre

You are not alone!

If you think there’s no solution to your problems, if you’re in deep psychological distress, or if you’re planning an irreversible end to your suffering, you should know that help is always out there.

Talk to someone who will listen and won’t judge you. Regardless of your age, you can call the Québec suicide prevention hotline at any time. We can also refer you to the appropriate resources and services.


In case of emergency

If you or a loved one are in danger, call 911 to speak to emergency services or go to the Emergency department.

You can also talk to a social worker, 24/7, by calling Info-Santé/Info-Social at 811. 

People are standing by to help and support you.

Young people who need someone to talk to can also get help by calling:


Crise-Ado-Famille-Enfance (CAFE)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a difficult family situation, your child’s behaviour, or constant arguing at home and you've tried several things, but the fighting still hasn’t stopped, the Crise-Ado-Famille-Enfance program could help you.

  • The Crise-Ado-Famille-Enfance (CAFE) program is for families and young people under age 18 who are in crisis.
  • Help is available to both parents and children,
    • 24 hours a day
    • 7 days a week
  • The service is available 365 days/year

Please consult the Crise-Ado-Famille-Enfance (CAFE) page.