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Intellectual disability and Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Assessment services for children who are showing signs of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are provided up to age 12. To access them, contact the psychosocial intake department at your local CLSC. You must provide all observation reports (daycare, school, etc.) and other relevant professional reports.


Required documents

  • You may be asked for a doctor’s referral.
  • An audiology assessment is required for children under age 5.

A professional assessment will be done to determine if the signs of ASD are significant enough to refer the child to our ASD assessment clinic. The parents and the professional who referred the child will be informed of the decision.



Various professionals are involved in assessing a child with a potential autism spectrum disorder: occupational therapist, speech language pathologist, social worker, psychologist and pediatrician. Parents are encouraged to participate in the process, which lasts 4-6 weeks.

A meeting is scheduled with the parents to explain the results of the assessment and the team’s recommendations. The child and their family may be referred to other services appropriate to their needs.


Intellectual disability

Do you need help adjusting to your disability? Do you need help adjusting to a family member’s disability? Are you a caregiver on the verge of a burnout? Contact the CLSC’s psychosocial intake department for help. You must provide any report confirming the diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID), global developmental delay in a child aged 0-6, autism spectrum disorder, or social communication disorder.

Your request will be referred to the appropriate services.

Our interventions can target the user themselves, or their immediate family and friends.


Home care

Our CLSCs provide home care services to people with motor, hearing or language disabilities, after an assessment of their situation.


Other specialized services

The CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest, which has the regional mandate for ID-ASD services, offers specialized programs for intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, school and community integration, workplace integration, behavioural disorders and severe behavioural disorders, as well as the graduated supportive housing program.

Visit the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest page for more information.