Becoming a parent is one of the best things that can happen to you. When you leave the hospital with your newborn, you’re given access to several tools and services to support and reassure you during this new stage of your life. To make sure things go as smoothly as possible when bringing baby home, surround yourself with the right people and read this list, which will guide you through each of the next steps.
From Tiny Tot to Toddler
Your baby doesn’t come with an instruction manual. Good news! From Tiny Tot to Toddler is a helpful guide to get you through your pregnancy up to your child’s second birthday.
What is From Tiny Tot to Toddler? It’s a free, printed guide given to future parents at their first prenatal appointment. It aims to help parents make the best decisions for their baby and for themselves, by reassuring them that their questions are completely valid.
What’s in the guide? Evidence-based information about pregnancy, delivery, and baby’s first two years.
Check it out! Click here for more information.
Naître et grandir
Naître et grandir is a source of reliable information validated by healthcare professionals that aims to support parents from conception until their child’s 8th birthday. It covers several topics, including child development, play, education, health, nutrition, and psychology. The short, straightforward texts are evidence-based and written in plain language that’s easy to understand.
This a site you’ll want to bookmark!
It’s time to make your appointment to have your infant vaccinated
Québec’s public health services recommend vaccinating all children, on a set schedule, to ensure the best possible coverage based on age. The vaccines are not mandatory, although healthcare professionals strongly recommend them.
Vaccination prevents several serious diseases and is one of the most effective ways to ensure children stay healthy. All children should receive the recommended vaccines, even healthy children with good nutrition.
Click here to schedule your child’s appointment
Consult the vaccination schedule
And other useful information
Breastfeeding: much more than milk
Healthcare professionals around the world recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of their lives.
Breastfeeding is also an excellent way to begin the bonding process with your baby. The better prepared you are for the challenges of breastfeeding and the first few days with your new baby, the better equipped you’ll be to cope with surprises and frustrations as they arise.
Breastfeeding takes practice—for you and your baby.
Here’s a list of community partners who can help you:
A breastfeeding support mom is only a phone call away
Need help with breastfeeding? Don’t hesitate to reach out to a breastfeeding support mom at Nourri‑Source. Breastfeeding support moms are mothers who have received training, but who have also breastfed themselves, and who want to pay it forward by providing telephone support to other mothers in need.
A seat and seat belt for every age
While quality and standards are very important, choosing the right safety seat for the right age is just as crucial when it comes to making sure your children are safe whenever you get behind the wheel. Click the link below for everything you need to know about keeping your children safe.
Find out more!
How do I give my baby a bath?
Bath time is a precious moment between baby and parent. It’s also a time for enjoyment, relaxation and bonding. This special experience is a great way to get to know your baby better. Over time, you’ll become more comfortable with the bath time routine. Clink the link below to watch a video of a bath demonstration and the recommended steps in keeping your baby clean and comfortable.
Urinary losses or perineal pain?
After pregnancy, a woman’s body often undergoes drastic changes. Here are two interesting links about the pain and discomfort associated with delivery:
Never shake your baby
Becoming a parent is one of life’s greatest adventures, filled with wonder and amazement at every turn. But it also comes with its fair share of rough patches. By recognizing that the hard times are normal, you’re more likely to admit when you need support and to ask for help.
Learn how to prevent shaken baby syndrome:
Need help with your benefits?
To learn more about the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP), click here:
Need help? LigneParents
Parents learn on the job, at each stage of their child’s development.
At certain points, they may find they need more support and resources.
The parent-child relationship experts at LigneParents provide free, confidential services 365 days a year:
- 24/7 by telephone: 1-800-361-5085
- between 2 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. by chat
You’re not alone—every parent is in the same boat.
For questions about your or your child’s health,
call your CLSC, Info-Santé (811), or your pharmacy.