General information
Consultations are available to people with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety or personality disorder. For more information, select a facility that offers this service.
Consultations are available to people with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety or personality disorder. For more information, select a facility that offers this service.
Day | Timings |
Lundi au jeudi | 8 h à 20 h |
Vendredi | 8 h à 17 h |
En dehors des heures d'ouverture | Communiquez avec Info-Social 8-1-1 |
Jours fériés | Fermé |
Day | Timings |
Lundi au jeudi | 8 h à 20 h |
Vendredi | 8 h à 17 h |
En dehors des heures d'ouverture | Communiquez avec Info-Social 8-1-1 |
Jours fériés | Fermé |
Day | Timings |
Monday to Thursday | 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. |
Friday | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Anytime | Contact Info-Social 8-1-1 |
Holidays | Closed |
Day | Timings |
Monday to Thursday | 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. |
Friday | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Outside opening hours | Contact Info-Social 8-1-1 |
Holidays | Closed |