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Marital problems, domestic violence and sexual violence

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest
Are you, or is someone you know, currently involved in a situation that requires immediate help? Call 911.

Hear from the professionals! (French only)

Sensibiliser à la violence et aux homicides conjugauxPrévenir la violence et les homicides conjugauxVivre avec la violence


SOS violence conjugale

Forms of violence

Domestic violence can take many forms (verbal, psychological, physical, sexual and financial).

It can happen to people of all ages and in all types of relationships (marriage, dating, sexual). 






CLSCClick here
Women’s shelters for victims of domestic violence
La Re-Source (Châteauguay)450 699-0908
Hébergement La Passerelle (Vaudreuil-Dorion)450 424-6010
L’Accueil pour Elle (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)450 371-4618
Résidence-Elle (Haut-Saint-Laurent)450 264-2999
La Sortie - Vaudreuil-Dorion 
Women’s shelter for victims of sexual exploitation 
514 923 7255
Crisis centres
La Maison sous les Arbres (Châteauguay)450 699-5935
Le Tournant (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)450 371-4090
Contact Richelieu-Yamaska 
450 774-6952
La Traversée (Sorel-Tracy)450 746-0303
450 348-6300
Partners who work with victims of sexual violence
In the aftermath of a sexual assault, it is only normal to feel like you are struggling.
Do not hesitate to ask for support to help you through the process.
Sexual Violence Helpline
24/7 helpline and referral
1 888 933-9007
Centre d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (CAVAC)
1 888 670-3401
Centre d'aide pour victimes d'agression sexuelle hommes et femmes (CAVAS)
450 778-9992
Ligne DPCP 
Ligne d’information gratuite sur le processus judiciaire
1 888 933-9007
General legal information hotline
Free for victims of sexual and domestic violence
1 833 732-2847
Centre Marie-Vincent pour enfants579 977-4681
Group therapy for victims of sexual violence
450 651-9229
Les ateliers Cré-Actions
Sewing workshops for victims of sexual exploitation between the ages of 14 and 24 
450 747-1885
Pacte de rue
Prevention squad and training on sexual exploitation - Suroît
Option *
Compensation for crime victims
1 800-561-4822
Emergency financial assistance line for victims of domestic and sexual violence1 833-363-5238
Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS)
La vigie (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)450 371-4222
CALACS Châteauguay450 699-8258
La Traversée450 465-5263
CIVAS l'Expression libre du Haut-Richelieu450 348-4380


Other women’s shelters in the Montérégie region 
Fédération des maisons d'hébergement pour femmes
Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale
Support organizations for people at risk of violent behaviour
Via l'anse (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)450 370-3200
AVIF (Châteauguay)450 692-7313
Entraide pour hommes 
(Grand Longueuil, Beloeil, Saint-Hyacinthe)
450 651-4447
1 833 651-4447
Youth clinic and Aire ouverte 
Services for young people between the ages of 12 and 25
CLSC de Châteauguay
CLSC de Saint-Rémi
CLSC Kateri
Clic Santé
450 699-3333, poste 3009 
School nurse (September to June))
Centre multiservices de santé et de services sociaux de Vaudreuil-DorionClic Santé
450 455-6171, ext. 71363
CLSC de Salaberry-de-ValleyfieldClic Santé
 450 371-0143, ext. 113127
CLSC de HuntingdonClic Santé
450 829-2321, ext. 1900
Aire ouverte du CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

Clic Santé

1 888 440-2473

Myth vs. fact

Mythes ou réalités

Myth: Victims of domestic violence are naïve or foolish. 

Fact: There is no typical victim of domestic violence. Even confident people with very strong personalities can fall victim to domestic violence.

Myth: If someone I know were violent, I would be able to tell—I would know it. 

Fact: Abusers generally behave differently in private than they do in front of other people.
* Source: Gouvernement du Québec

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